Harrison is my cousin's Alyson's son. He is a vivacious toddler, with ash blond curls, crystal blue eyes, and is sweet as can be. Like most two year old's, he can be shy, cranky, silly, and serious, all within a few moments. The best shots of Harrison didn't come from me bribing him, or making funny faces, but when his mom interacted with him. "I'm going to get you", she called; and he would grin and giggle. You can see it in boys the most, that love for their mommy.

Alyson graduated from Kean University, and lives not far from it. Somewhere in the back of my mind I have it that he too will attend classes here. Wouldn't it be something, to visit back in 20 years from now, taking these same photos?
He's just started sleeping in a "big boy bed" and loves Paw Patrol (Chase is his favorite). He wants to show you all of his things; his bed, his toys, his coloring. He'll repeat whatever you say, and when I asked him if he is a parrot, he exclaimed "YES!" Like most little boys, he lost it when we came upon a police car, and we had to go check it out.
Everyone complains about the terrible two's. And while living with a toddler can be trying, I have to remind you of all the wonders. He's just learning to do everything, and want's to be apart of it all. He wants to talk to you, and with you. Those 2 wobbly legs want to go everywhere, and fast. His memory is a sponge, and he remembers more than you thought, because he doesn't have the daily distractions that adults have. The little things, those small, minor events in the day, those are the most exciting to him. There is nothing terrible about being two.
With a red runny nose, you were a real sport. Thanks Harrison & Alyson!
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