Prince Harry Luis is One!

Oh Harry! My little mama's boy turns one today. And although he's yet to sleep through the night, and wants nobody but me 99.9% of the day, he blows me away with how strong and clever he is. He refused baby food, went straight to table food at 4 months. He started walking at 9 months. And at 1 year he has 12 teeth. Harry loves balls and trucks and hammers and dogs-such a boys boy. 

We will be celebrating on Saturday with our family and friends, but today, my little tiny baby is turning into a big boy. 

Branson in the Park

Here are some of my favorites from the spring session mom did with Branson. He was super well behaved and loved the camera. What a handsome dude!

Tiago Turns One!

Aribelle Turns One!

Sweet Aribelle turned one and mom asked for some photos to commemorate it. She is our cousins youngest (of 4!) child and every bit as adorable as her siblings before her. I love a girl that will rock a headband-mine didnt and still wont! Aribelle is the perfect beauty!