Harry is Two!

A second birthday session for my little boy. We were having a baseball themed party so naturally we had to take his birthday photos at the baseball field. This isn't the first time I've done this, actually! I took another sweet boys photos at a baseball field a few years ago, you can check out that session clicking here.

These were shot at my old high school baseball field and a local park close to golden hour. We wrapped up the session when he decided to slide home (aka fall flat on his face running at full speed) and bust up his lip. See! Even my kids act up at photo sessions! We do what we can though, don't we?

Here's a collection from the session:

Photos: A House Update!

This week marks 8 months since we've moved into our 1921 late victorian in our hometown. Today also marks 8 months since we've started pouring sweat, blood, and tears (all quite literally) into this house.
It was far from bad shape but needed a lot of modernization and updating. Before we closed, we worked out a little plan for our first 3 months, which now makes me laugh because things seldom go as planned (especially with houses!).
Phase one, we'll call it, was supposed to be tiling the kitchen, moving some cabinets around, new appliances, and painting. What really happened was a partial reno, about 15 gallons of paint inside and out, new floors throughout the entire house, electrical work, and so many other unforeseen, and sometimes unfortunate issues.

I'm not sharing every room today, but some rooms I've never shared before. This is progress, more things are planned. But we know how that goes 😜.

Living Room, October 2018

Living Room, June 2019

Dining Room, October 2018

Dining Room, June 2019

Master Bedroom, October 2018

Master Bedroom, June 2019

Master Closet, June 2019

Kids Room, October 2018

Kids Room, June 2019

Upstairs Hallway, October 2018

Upstairs Hallway, June 2019

Downstairs Hallway, October 2018

Downstairs Hallway, June 2019

Mud/Laundry Room, October 2018

Mud/Laundry Room, June 2019

Bathroom, October 2018

Bathroom, June 2019

There are so many spaces I've yet to photograph, like the kitchen, the two other bedrooms, front porch, exterior areas, and basement, but thats another post for another day. Please let me know what you think in the comments, I'd love some feedback! Thanks for stopping by!

Summer Mini Sessions: Lemonade Stand!

Mini Sessions

Who: Little Kids, Toddlers, Babies who can sit unsupported
What: Lemonade stand style mini session complete set up with props
When: Sunday, July 14th
Where: South River, New Jersey
Why: Fun, outdoor session for your little one and adorable keepsake photos for you!

Cost: only $50
What you'll get: Five edited images in an online gallery for sharing.
Prints & Print Release Extra.

This session is best for one child. Siblings are $25 each.

What to wear: Anything from casual jeans and a t-shirt to a fluffy summer dress! Dress up or down!

Rain Date TBA

What does it look like? Check out my sweet (& sour 😜) daughter Penelope below: 

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